Career Profile

Nuwan is a Lecturer at IIT, Sri Lanka. His primary areas of interest include the Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Devices, Middleware, and Distributed Systems.

Nuwan spent his undergraduate years at the Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), Colombo, affiliated with the University of Westminster, UK. He graduated in the class of 2019 with a First Class Honors in Computer Science. After that, he followed a Research-based Masters at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, where he undertook a project on fault-tolerant routing protocols for ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks.

Nuwan is an Apache Committer, advocate, and contributor to multiple FOSS projects.


MSc in Computer Science

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Research-based Masters related to a project on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Proposed fault tolerant routing protocol for adhoc WSN. Undertook Fault Tolerance Computing module for credit fulfillment.

BSc in Computer Science

University of Westminster, UK

Specialized in the multi-media pathway with a final year research project-based on middleware and Internet of Things.



Aug 2023 - Present
Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), Sri Lanka

Worked in full-time basis supporting in the conducting of 2nd-year undergrad modules:

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Software Development Group Project
  • Professional Development

Working with 3rd-year placement co-ordination team. Designed and developed course content for Edge Artificial Intelligence modules affliated with Data Science degree by Robert Gordon University, Scotland.

Apache Committer

Nov 2022 - Present
Apache Software Foundation

Continuing work on developing core features for Apache Synapse project.

Graduate Research Assistant

Sep 2019 - Present
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Worked part-time researching and developing a network level routing protocol that facilitates M2M communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. Partially funded by grant from National Research Council, Sri Lanka.

Technical Evangelist

May 2019 - Nov 2019
Entgra Pvt Ltd, Sri Lanka

Developed product marketing material for the Entgra IoT Server and performed evangelism via Medium detailing product applications.

Software Engineering Intern

Jul 2017 - Jul 2018
WSO2, Sri Lanka

Worked on the WSO2 IoT Server product implementing future release features. Participated on around 10 projects, including ones both assigned to me as well as ones initiated by me.


Projects involved in both FOSS, research and personal contexts.

Blender addon for OpenCue - Developing Blender addon for OpenCue distibuted render manager
LEACH for INET Framework - Contributing LEACH routing protocol to INET framework codebase
Node Rank Optimized LEACH protocol - Researching, proposing and developing fault tolerant routing protocol in support of Masters research
Containerization of Apache Synapse ESB - This project goal to containerize Apache Synapse while not being detrimental to its current features and capabilities.
Preservation of Retro Video Games via Dockerization - Preserving retro video games via a dockerization solution that would allow them to run on the browser with minimal code changes.

OSS Contributions

The following are a list of FOSS projects I've contributed to over the years.

OpenCue - Distributed render manager developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Google, hosted by the Academy Software Foundation
Apache Synapse - ESB solution hosted by ASF. Started contributing after GSoC 2021
INET Framework - Support library of commonly used protocols and tools developed to be complimentary to OMNET++ simulator


List of publications where I’ve been both first author and co-author.

  • A Review of Fog Network Implementations in Current IoT Products
  • Nuwan Jayawardene, Pumudu A. Fernando
    5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (IEEE EdgeCom 2019)
  • Hybrid Approach for Enabling Hierarchical Fog Networks in an IoT Deployment
  • Nuwan Jayawardene, Pumudu A. Fernando
    2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)
  • Metadata model for supporting hierarchical Edge Device arrangements in an IoT deployment
  • Nuwan Jayawardene, Pumudu A. Fernando
    2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI)
  • A Review on Edge Intelligence based Collaborative Learning Approaches
  • Lahiru Welagedara, Janani Harischandra, Nuwan Jayawardene
    2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)
  • Edge Intelligence Based Collaborative Learning System for IoT Edge
  • Lahiru Welagedara, Janani Harischandra, Nuwan Jayawardene
    2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON)